Feeding the world’s growing population

New Zealand’s reputation as a quality food producer is growing.

Optimising food production

Over the next 50 years farmers around the world will need to produce more food than has been grown over the past 10,000 years.

Best use from a limited resource

Fertiliser helps farmers produce food efficiently by replenishing the soil. But fertiliser needs to be used responsibly.

Responsible and sustainable nutrient management

The Fertiliser Association invests in research and tools to ensure farm profitability while minimising nutrient losses to the environment.

The Fertiliser Association of New Zealand promotes and encourages responsible and scientifically-based nutrient management.

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Overseer is an agricultural management tool which helps farmers and growers make better farm management decisions to improve their farm's environmental sustainability and productivity.

Much like a financial budget, a nutrient budget tells you how much is coming in and how much is going out and to where. By using Overseer, you can see:

  • how efficiently nutrients are being used on a farm
  • expected nutrient and greenhouse gas losses to the environment
  • the likely impacts of changes in farm management practices or farm systems.

Overseer allows farmers and their advisers to test the potential impacts of different approaches before investing time or resources in big changes.

The tool is managed by Overseer Ltd, which was established as a not-for-profit organisation to administer the software. The company is jointly owned by the Fertiliser Association of New Zealand, Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and AgResearch Limited.

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The Fertiliser Association of New Zealand and Dairy NZ funded development of the Nutrient Management Adviser Certification Programme (NMACP). This industry-wide certification aims to ensure that advisers have the learning, experience and capability to give sound nutrient advice.

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27 March 2024

FANZ is dedicated to funding research and developing New Zealand’s agricultural research capability by supporting PhD research such as the work of Massey University student Nicola Wilson who is undertaking research on ‘What Hot Water Extractable Carbon and Nitrogen can tell us about changes in labile soil Carbon and Nitrogen.’

1 March 2024

The Fertiliser Association of New Zealand recently updated its Fertiliser Use on New Zealand Dairy Farms booklet to ensure farmers get the best value from fertiliser applied and to align the advice with the Code of Practice for Fertiliser Nutrient Management.

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